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  What We're About

We provide the highest quality childcare regardless of family income.

Early Learning Centers of Lubbock is a Lubbock Area United Way agency and has served low income families for more than 60 years.

Carver Heights, the first of five Early Learning Centers, began operation in 1943 in East Lubbock. Carver Heights served low-income families whose mothers were working in the war effort. In 1951, Carver was joined with another center, sponsored by the Junior League, to form the Day Care Association of Lubbock, Inc. The agency continued to grow with funding from the state, United Way, Community Development, Lubbock Independent School District and foundation grants. Presently there are five Early Learning Centers in North and East Lubbock.

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The centers are located in neighborhoods, where there is very little child care available, other than the Early Learning Centers. Each center emphasizes a child development program focused on active learning. While the children are in the learning environment, the parents are able to attend work or school. Fees are based on income and eligibility.

Funding sources for the Early Learning Centers include state and federal funding, United Way, USDA Child Care Food Program, Parent’s fees, LISD, and other grants and donations. The Early Learning Centers cooperates with many community groups to provide additional services to the children and families. A joint effort between LISD and Early Learning Centers provides child care services on site at New Directions, the public school for teen parents. The Foster Grandparent Program and Texas Tech Jumpstart program provide over 50 classroom volunteers annually.

Read to your baby every day starting at six months of age. Reading and playing with books is a wonderful way to spend special time with them. Hearing words over and over helps them become familiar with them. –www2.ed.gov/parents